What happens to the donations?
The Society uses money and property to help relieve the suffering of those in need. The Society's funds must be handled with the utmost care, prudence and generosity. Every week, we conduct investigations on new FINs (Friends-In-Need) and review the conditions of current FINs. This also provides a source of friendship to the needy as well as find ways to help their problems. On the last Saturday of every month, we distribute money and food rations to the FINs.
How can I donate?
Put the cash donation in an envelope and write the words "SSVP RISEN CHRIST" on the front of the envelope. Pass this envelope to the Parish Office, and we will collect them periodically.
Please address all cheques to "SSVP RISEN CHRIST". Put the cheque in an envelope and write the words "SSVP RISEN CHRIST" on the front of the envelope. Pass this envelope to the Parish Office, and we will collect them periodically.
Bank Transfer
Make a transfer using the following bank account details
Bank account number: 0059042989
Bank name: DBS Bank Ltd
Remarks: Donation
Note that donations are not tax deductible.