SSVP Church of the Risen Christ
Saturday, 30 December 2023
Christmas Celebration with FINs
Wednesday, 27 September 2023
SSVP Feast Day
Congratulations to Bro. Peter Wong for being presented with a medal to recognise his 25 years of being a Vincentian!
Friday, 11 August 2023
Saturday, 17 June 2023
Day of Recollection
We had our members day of recollection on.
[Session 1] The spirituality of suffering: If God is Love, why does God allow people to suffer?
[Session 2] How can we live out the Vincentian virtues and spirituality in the context of modern Singapore and in our lives?
We wrapped up the the day with Eucharistic Adoration followed by lunch.
Tuesday, 10 January 2023
Lohei and farewell to Alyssa!
Was a wonderful gathering with Lohei, and we wishing Sis. Aly all the best as she leaves for her studies in New Zealand! Aly has been a committed Vincentian for many years and we thank her for your contribution to the less priviledged.