SSVP Church of the Risen Christ

Friday 25 December 2020

Wednesday 23 December 2020

New mattresses for FINs

Our Vincentian Bro. Joseph Fernandez, helped to arrange for donations of new mattresses to two of our FINs. These mattresses were from an anonymous donor. 

For many of our FINs, their mattresses are old, and have not been changed for a very long time. Some of them do not have mattresses, and have gotten used to sleeping on the floor. Some of them face bed bug issues too.

As Vincentians, we look into the needs of FINs and provide them with their necessities.  

Saturday 19 December 2020

Ration Day on 19 December 2020

This month, ration day was early due to the Christmas period. Vincentians helped to distribute the Care Packs given by National Council to our FINs. We also passed NTUC vouchers and educational incentives to students who have done well in their studies for the year.

Saturday 28 November 2020

Blast from the past: Church of Risen Christ Silver Jubilee 16 May 1996

Church of Risen Christ celebrated its Silver Jubilee anniversary with a Fun Fair at the church ground on 16 May 1996. Many ministries participated in it. It was well organized and many of the church parishioners came to support. All proceeds went to the church fund.

Friday 20 November 2020

Saturday 14 November 2020

Helping out with Christmas Deco

Bro. Joseph Fernandez and Sis. Jacqueline helped the Christmas Deco team with Christmas decorations in the Church. The COVID-19 pandemic doesn't stop us from our celebration of this festive occasion and mood!

Saturday 31 October 2020

Ration Day!

This morning, Vincentians and some volunteers helped to distribute money and food donations from the food bank to our FINs. 

Sunday 4 October 2020

Catchup with the Youths

These youths have been a great help before COVID-19, giving the FIN's children tuition. Although it stopped since then, we are looking to restart tuition activities via Zoom. Was a good catch-up to see how everyone is doing and progressing well with life!

Saturday 26 September 2020

Ration day: Distribution of cash aid to FINs

This morning, Vincentians and some volunteers helped to distribute NTUC vouchers, chocolates, money, masks, hand sanitisers and food donations to our FINs. 

Friday 4 September 2020

Collection of food donations from Food Bank

 Vincentians collected food donations from the Food Bank warehouse, to be distributed at the end of the month. 

Saturday 29 August 2020

Ration day: Distribution of cash aid to FINs

This morning, six Vincentians helped to distribute cash aid to about 12 FINs; these FINs do not have bank accounts. The rest of the FINs would have received their cash aid via bank transfer. Since the start of the circuit breaker, we have been gradually verifying and implementing bank transfer of the monthly aid to FINs.

The food donations from the food bank have been delayed as they did not receive enough donations. 

Sunday 16 August 2020

Donation of Milk Powder

We received the donation of some milk powder and distributed them to our FINs with young children. 

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Helping with a prayer at a funeral

This evening, we attended the funeral wake of a Friend-In-Need, who's father passed away in a short period of time after being diagnosed with a critical illness. We were fortunate to be able to borrow some books for the nightly prayer and prayed together with the family. 

Saturday 8 August 2020

Donation of chocolates by The Cocoa Trees

This afternoon, we collected 68 boxes of chocolate that was donated by The Cocoa Trees. Our Vincentian, Bro. Joseph Fernandez helped distribute them to our FINs. 

Thank you Esther of The Cocoa Trees! (

Sunday 2 August 2020

Helping at the SSVP Shop

Today, Vincentians from Church of the Risen Christ helped volunteer at the SSVP Shop @ 501 Geylang Road; the different conferences take turn to do so. It was a good experience seeing regular shoppers start to trickle back. However, as the takings are still very much lower than pre-Covid-19 period, we all have to work harder to help SSVP raise more funds.

Find out more about the shop at, and make a trip there when you are free!

Saturday 25 July 2020

Distribution of food rations to FINs

Together with a group of volunteers from the church, Vincentians distributed food rations to about 40 families in the Toa Payoh area. These food were donated by the Food Bank. 

Even with the resumption of masses, SSVP is still low on funds and needs your urgent support and continued donations so that FINs can continue to receive the assistance that they need. 

Please make a difference and click here to donate!

Saturday 6 June 2020

Distribution of money, food, hand sanitisers and masks to the poor

After the ease of the circuit breaker measures, we got approval from NCSS (National Council of Social Service) to distribute money, food, hand sanitisers and masks to the poor. Conferences from the various churches from other parts of Singapore came to Agape Village to collect the items for distribution to their church boundaries. 

Saturday 28 March 2020

Ration Day March 2020

This ration day, we took stricter measures to ensure the safety of our members and FINs amidst the COVID-19 virus situation.

Aside from temperature taking, hand sanitisers and masks available, markings were made on the floor to ensure safe distancing between people. We also ensured gathering in one area of less than 10 people.

We announced to every FIN that there may be a need to reduce assistance to them if the donations and situation do not improve. As I spoke to them, I didn't experience any violent objections, more of a look of concern and nod of acknowlegement.

I would like to thank Fr Edward and Fr Leo for supporting our ration programme this month. A big thanks to all members and volunteers for their unfailing help to enable FINs to get what they need.

Saturday 21 March 2020

Donations from Food Bank

We would like to thank Food Bank for their continued support by donating food to our FINs. We give these food to our FINs during ration day. Since we started the partnership with them about a year ago, they have also provided us with Food Bank cards, where FINs can go to a food vending machine to get donated food.

It is expected that there would be less donated food moving forward due to the decrease in the amount of food donations. To find out more about Food Bank, please visit

Saturday 29 February 2020

Giving out of rations to FINs during the COVID-19 crisis

Although masses have been suspended, SSVP continues to serve the poor by doing investigations on new applications, visiting existing FINs (Friends-In-Need) and giving out food and money to FINs. FINs need these continued assistance to purchase daily necessities for daily living, even more so when times are hard.

For the month of February, we would like to thank Fr Edward and Fr Leo, for assisting us in our ration programme to the FINs, despite there not being a second collection on the 1st Sunday, and we are very grateful to them for this.

In this ration day, we took the temperature of all FINs, volunteers and members, prepared masks and hand sanitisers, and ensured that contact is minimised via a "take-and-go" approach. We started at 9.30am, instead of the usual 11am, and ended around 12pm, and we went for a makan after.

As I interacted with the FINs, it fills me with a sense of fulfilment and duty, as they reciprocate with words of thanks and encouragement.

We would like to thank all members and volunteers for their generous time and effort in helping us out in this difficult period!