SSVP Church of the Risen Christ

Sunday 11 November 2012

SSVP Retreat

Attended the annual SSVP retreat today where the theme is "Love God, Love Your Neighbour".  During the retreat, we were given time to reflect, discuss and share on "Who do you say I am?", "Do you love me?" and “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”.

Vincentians were also encouraged to embark on the following projects to make the Vincentian spirituality real:-

- Read the Bible daily (to know God)
- Visit the Blessed Sacrament daily (to visit the one we love)
- To "adopt" a neighbour

I also shared that perhaps Jesus asked Peter "Who do you say I am?" is to ask him to reflect deeply so that he can change his paradigm about looking for God in the "who".  Answering the question in any way would be correct and also wrong.  My reason is that God is not only "who".  Perhaps God is also "what", "when", "where", "why" and "how".

For example, if we eat "mee pok da" (dried noodle) gratefully, with an attitude of thanksgiving and with God at our side, would not God now be present in the eating?

If we give in the right spirit in God's presence, wouldn't God be the giving?

If we see God in the person we are encountering, God now becomes the person.

So.... "Who do you say I am?"