SSVP Church of the Risen Christ

Sunday 18 December 2011

Christmas Celebration for FINs

Christmas is never the same without the act of charity and the share of joy with the poor. While we do countdowns at events and exchange presents at house parties, it is important to remember the less fortunate who might not have such a festive atmosphere.

At 4pm, SSVP members started preparing and decorating the church hall, while others packed rations at the Charity Corner. The hall was well decorated with Christmas lightings, the microphones and tables were being set up and the catered food was positioned just outside the hall.

The FINs started trickling in around 6pm, and so did the rain drops. After they received their rations, they were ushered into the church hall, a good choice, since the drizzle developed into a massive downpour. The hall started getting crowded and the additional tables emphasized "The more the merrier".

While members helped to dish out the delicious meals to the FINs, a mixture of Christmas Carols, English, Mandarin and Hokkien songs were being performed by Mark and Mark. We took the opportunity to present education awards to the children who did well for their exams; a nice treat for the holidays.

There were also Christmas presents for kids.

The FINs played a game of Bingo, where the adults had to exercise their brains and work their hands.

Laughter, feasting and singing ended around 9.30pm and the FINs went home with rations, and many Christmas presents.

The only real blind person at Christmas time is he who has not Christmas in his heart. — Helen Keller