SSVP Church of the Risen Christ

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Great dinner

10 Vincentians went to the Prima Tower Revolving Restaurant on 30th Nov 2011 and had a great dinner. The set dinner was offered at 40% discount and consisted of Beijing Duck, sharksfin soup and abalone. Desert consist of special banana fritters and I must say the noodle dish was nice.

And the restaurant revolves too. Too bad it is dinner. Otherwise we would have a pretty nice view of the southern part of Singapore.

You can find out about the restaurant by visiting its website :

Monday 14 November 2011

SSVP Retreat

On 13th Nov 2011, the National Council conducted a retreat for Vincentians of Singapore. The theme of the retreat is "Awakening and Beyond" and it was conducted by Fr. Stephen from Ipoh. In the talk, Father discussed about awareness, detachment and mortification as stages involved in the awakening process.

After awakening, comes the illuminated state where one displays more virtues and positive attributes as oppose to negative virtues and attributes. Father challenged us to examine our behaviors to see if we have achieved this state.

During the retreat, Vincentians were also allocated quiet time to reflect on the following:-

- Using Romans 13:11-14, let us explore our lives.....Where are we a people of God? Are we moving towards to become people of Light, or are we in darkness?
- As we ponder upon illuninative stage of spirituality, do we see the need to make the change? Name the changes you like to make.
- How can the Society of St Vincent de Paul become an evangelizing group as it ministers to people in need.

Vincentians were also urged to model after Jesus in humility in the washing of feet. Vincentians were encouraged to allow their feet to be washed, like those of the Disciples, so as to become Disciples.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Recruitment Drive

 This weekend, we held a recruitment drive, which has been a while since the last one. We attached an informative brochure to the church bulletin and set up a table to answer questions from the parishioners. This also coincides with our First Sunday collection.

A few parishioners expressed their interest and we look forward to more volunteers to the society. This will allow us to conduct more exciting activities and better engage our FINs!